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Dartmoor ponies

In contrast to its Exmoor counterparts, the Dartmoor ponies are varied in appearance. 

Best British churches

Some people go to church, others go to churches.

Brixham to Dartmouth by sea: a guide for birders

From guillemots to gulls, wildlife expert Tony Soper explains which birds you’re likely to see in this region.

The best wildlife opportunities in Antarctica

Wildlife expert Tony Soper chooses his favourite wildlife-watching opportunities in Antarctica.

Suffolk’s best heritage sites

Suffolk is home to an immense array of historical sites, monuments, museums and stately homes that showcase its rich history and Anglo-Saxon heritage.

Five reasons to visit Suffolk

Abundant in picturesque towns, magnificent country walks and a beautiful coastline, Suffolk has plenty of areas to explore.

A walk in Constable Country

Laurence Mitchell retraces John Constable's steps on a walk through the Stour Valley.

Eight reasons to visit Norfolk

From charming towns and villages to a glorious coastline – there's plenty to explore in Norfolk.

Walks round Flamborough Head

Our walk of the week give you the chance to visit not one, but two lighthouses, writes Mike Bagshaw.

Tour de Yorkshire

Mike Bagshaw takes us on a tour of the Yorkshire towns and villages along the route of the Grand Départ.


This art of decorative plastering is a regular feature of buildings across Suffolk.

Making the most of your time in Tajikistan

The challenge with Tajikistan is not selecting what to include but rather what to leave out.


Dom Tulett travelled to Uganda as part of his prize for winning the 2016 Bradt New Travel Writer of the Year award. This is Dom's account of that unforgettable trip.

The Gambia’s best birdwatching sites

Close to 600 species of bird have been recorded in The Gambia. To be in with the best chance of spotting some of them, you should head to one of these sites. 

The Gambia – for crocodile pools, handicrafts and indulgent eco-lodges

Didn't think it was possible to get a taste of Africa in a long weekend? Think again.

The Stone Circles of Senegambia

Author Philip Briggs explores these ancient stone circles, each one reminiscent of a miniature Stonehenge, which form one of Africa’s most enigmatic and intriguing archaeological relicts.

Alex Haley, Juffureh and the Roots saga

The Roots Tour to Juffureh and environs remains one of the most popular excursions from the resorts that line the coast south of Banjul thanks to Aley Haley’s Roots.

Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Project

Author Philip Briggs describes the work of The Gambia’s Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Project.  

What’s in a name? A historical tour of Freetown

Uncover the international influences of Freetown’s past with our historical tour of the capital.

Hunting for witches

With a fearsome reputation and spellbinding show, the special powers of the Shenge will leave you mesmerised.

Survival and strength

The only thing that matches the horror of the civil war is the tales of hope and determination that have come out of it. Bambay Sawaneh’s story is one of them.

Corinium and the wool church

Creating guidebooks is an all-consuming job, so each year the staff at Bradt HQ recharge their batteries by going on a company outing.

An Uncommon Walk

There are walks that get you from A to B, hikes that form a stretch of long-distance trail and then there are easy-going walks for no purpose other than to lift the soul. A walk on Minchinhampton Common does just that.

The Barrel Store

We called the New Brewery Art's upmarket hostel The Barrel Store home during our trip to Cirencester. Find out what makes it so special. 

Dinner at The Fleece

Food glorious food! We dined at Cirencester's newly refurbished The Fleece during our staff outing, and we weren't disappointed. 

When in Rome…

Cirencester is steeped in Roman history – the Bradt team took a tour around the town with living historian Cherry Hubbard and visited the famous Corinium Museum to find out more.

Outdoor adventure in Transylvania

If you're looking for an action-packed activity holiday Transylvania is the place for you.

14 European national parks that you’ve probably never heard of

There are many national parks in Europe that remain fairly unknown. Here you can discover 14 of the best. Why miss out on visiting somewhere spectacular?

I did it highway: The world’s greatest roads

Check out these classic coastal routes and steep mountain switchbacks

Welcome to the world, St Helena

After countless delays and postponements, the first flight to St Helena has finally touched down on rocky soil. There's never been a better time to plan a visit.

Five of the prettiest villages in Switzerland

Switzerland is full of stunning villages in idyllic settings; here are five of the best.

Making the most of your time in Uruguay

Whether you're visiting for a week or you've got a bit more time to spare, our itineraries will help you make the most of your time in Uruguay.

Seven reasons to visit Uruguay

This laidback country can certainly stand up to its bigger, brasher neighbours.

A party like no other: Uruguay’s Carnaval

Uruguay has the longest carnival season of any country, lasting over 80 days.

The Uruguayan gaucho

Author Tim Burford tells the story one of Uruguay's most iconic symbols: the gaucho.

A tour of Lake Luzern

Take a tour of Lake Luzern and the sights along its shores.

Exploring Sindh Province: a photo story

Adam Balogh shares his favourites shots from his trip to Pakistan's Sindh Province.

Madagascar’s famadihana – the turning of the bones

Visitors to Madagascar shouldn't miss this ceremony

Birding in Madagascar

Madagascar is a birdwatching paradise. These are the best places to go on the island to see its rare and colourful birds. 

The Maasai

Find out more about the Maasai, one of Africa's most famous pastoral tribes.

Nature in the spotlight: birdwatching in Serbia

Serbia has a rich and varied fauna, with nearly 80% of European bird species being recorded in the country as either breeding or on migration.

The Great Migration

The annual migration of millions of wildebeest, zebra and gazelle across Tanzania's Serengeti Plains is the greatest wildlife spectacle of its type in Africa.