Caroline Mills (carolinemills.net) is an experienced travel writer who has spent a lifetime camping, caravanning and motorcaravanning, and whose travels have taken her throughout the UK and mainland Europe. For the past 20+ years many camping road trips have been either alone or companioned by her three young children. Mills writes extensively about camping, caravanning, campervans and motorhomes. She contributes regularly to national magazines, newspapers and websites in the UK and abroad, such as Practical Motorhome, Practical Caravan, Camping & Caravanning, France Today, and Touring magazine, of which she is the freelance editor. She is author of three Bradt guides (Camping Road Trips: Britain, Camping Road Trips: France & Germany and Slow Travel: The Cotswolds) and has written or contributed to five further travel guides, including The Camping Pocket Bible and Cool Caravanning. Mills is a member of the British Guild of Travel Writers who tweets at @CarolineMills99.