Lizzie Carr (lizzieoutside.co.uk) is Britain’s best known paddleboarder and author of Bradt’s Paddling Britain guidebook. She is passionate about championing Britain’s waters as rivals to international destinations. In 2016, Carr became the first person in history to paddleboard the length of England’s waterways, solo and unsupported. She completed the 400-mile journey in 22 days, taking more than 2,000 photos of plastic pollution she encountered. In 2017 Carr became the first woman to paddleboard the English Channel solo, while in 2018 she spent eight days paddling the length of the Hudson River. She dedicates much of her time to raising awareness of plastic pollution in the world’s waterways (plasticpatrol.co.uk) and, thanks to a chip fitted in the fin of her paddleboard, collecting data to measure water temperature to help interpret the impact of global warming.