Tom Allen is an author, prolific travel blogger and award-winning adventure filmmaker, with more than a decade of experience of long-term global travel in 58 countries by bicycle, foot, horseback and inflatable rubber dinghy. His blog (https://tomsbiketrip.com) is now the UK’s top online resource for global bicycle travel, containing more words than all six Lord of the Rings books combined. He has published four travel and adventure books, and has been involved in three feature-length adventure travel documentaries, winning multiple awards at international film festivals. An active public speaker and advocate of travel and adventure, he is also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, with whose support he pioneered a movement to create the first long-distance walking route across the Caucasus, now known as the Transcaucasian Trail. He currently has a base of sorts in Dilijan, Armenia, though feels far more at home on the open road.